Bharadvajasana or the Sage Bharadvaja’s Pose is a spinal twist posture that gives a good stretch to the spine, back and neck muscles relieving back pain and enhancing flexibility of the spine. Sage Bharadvaja is one the seven ancient Rishis and Asana means a pose. Bharadvajasana improves flexibility of lower back, hips, shoulders and neck.

How to do Bharadvajasana?
- Be seated on the floor and keep the legs stretched out. This is dandasana, the staff pose which is used as starting posture for many seated asanas.
- Bend the right knees and bring them toward the right side under the right buttocks.
- Bend the left knees and hold the left ankle in your hands.
- Raise the left foot up, bending it further and pulling it towards your right thigh. Place the left foot on the right thigh just below the hip bone, similar to that in half lotus pose. Be careful not to overstretch as this requires good flexibility of the hips.
- Now place the right hand on the left thigh near the knees.
- Straighten out your upper body, neck and head.
- Now, start twisting to the left with the left hand going behind the back. The spine is twisted towards the left along with the shoulders and neck. Breathe in while doing the twist as the chest expands.
- Remain in this position for as long as you are comfortable.
- To release the pose, twist back to the normal position and release the left leg from the thighs. Sit with legs stretched out, breath normally and rest.
- This can be repeated on the other right side with the right leg placed on the left thighs.
There are simpler variations of this pose.
Variations of Bharadvajasana
One of the simpler variation of Bharadvajasana does not keep the leg in half lotus position. Instead both legs are folded under the buttocks. The twist can be done on either side.
Though a simple posture, the benefits of Bharadvajasana are many.
Benefits of Bharadvajasana
- Bharadvajasana gives a good stretch to the back, shoulders and neck muscles.
- It is good for lower back pain and sciatica.
- The sideways twist of the upper body can relieve neck pain.
- It massages the organs in the abdomen, thereby improving digestion and assimilation.
- This pose relaxes the back muscles and relives mental tension.
- It can be practiced by pregnant women; as the gentle twist will strengthen lower back muscles prior to delivery.
Contraindications for Bharadvajasana
- Avoid this pose if you have any lower back or spine injury.
- If you had any recent surgery of the back or spine, consult your physician before attempting yoga poses.
- While placing the bend leg on the thighs, be careful not to over stretch. You have good flexibility of the hips, then it is easy. Do not overdo as it can injure your knees.