Japa yoga practitioners usually use beads for chanting mantra. Different traditions and systems use different methods for chanting. Beads for chanting mantra are also of various types.
What are Chanting Beads or Mantra Beads?
Small pieces of glass, stone, Rudraksha seed, wood, red sandalwood, Tulsi, or similar material that are woven or threaded together with a specialized thread or wire to make a necklace or rosary is called beads or mala. Beads are small, decorative objects that come in a variety of shapes and sizes of a material such as stone, shell, glass, plastic, metal, sandalwood, Rudraksha, Tulsi, wood, pearl, etc. Beads have small holes for threading or stringing.
A mala typically has beads in multiple of 9 such as 18, 54 or 108 beads. 108 is considered a sacred number in Hinduism. Besides 108 or whatever number of beads your mala has, there is an additional larger bead in mala, which is called the Meru bead or the Guru-bead.

How to Select your beads for chanting mantra?
There are many types of beads used for chanting mantras. Rudraksha is used by worshippers of Lord Shiva and Shakti, while Tulsi & Sandal Wood beads are used by Lord Vishnu worshippers. Lord Buddha worshippers use Crystal beads. The selection of type of bead depends on one belief and deity of worship.
You should also see that the beads are good enough to roll in your hand. Your beads string should not be too big or too small.
Why should one use beads?
While it is not compulsory to use beads or a mala for chanting mantra, chanting with beads is a good idea. Beads help you to maintain count of mantra. Beads improves concentration. It helps to maintain awareness during the process of chanting. There are times when our mind starts drifting while chanting, but the moment we touch the guru bead we immediately become aware and return to the awareness of chanting.
Moreover, beads add another dimension to the practice. Beads however, work as steps of a ladder, thereby making your practice tactile.
How to choose a Mantra?
A mantra is a Sanskrit word or series of words with special powers to transform consciousness, promote healing or fulfill desires. A mantra can either be given by a teacher or chosen by self. While you select your own mantra, you have to be clear on what your intention is. Also, it is important that you know the meaning and correct pronunciation of the selected mantra.
Mantras chanted in the right atmosphere along with the right vibration not only purify our mind, but also calm our senses and gives material and spiritual benefits.
How to roll the beads during mantra chanting?
The Mala or string of beads should be held resting over the middle finger of the right hand, and should be moved or rolled towards you, one by one, using the thumb. Each bead counts one repetition of the mantra. Once you reach guru bead, you need to flip the beads and start chanting mantras again. Guru bead should not be crossed.
According to Hindu tradition only right hand should be used for chanting mantras, however there is no such rule in Tibetan culture.
One can also use other fingers of right hand to roll the beads (for instance the ring finger) except for the first finger. As the first finger is considered to be the pointing or “accusing” finger and also represents the ego.
Types of mantra chanting
The process of chanting mantras is called Japa, and it can be done in three ways:
Vaikri or Vaachik Japa
It is the process of chanting mantra loudly.
Upanshu Japa
One moves his lips & tongue but without making any sound outside. Upanshu japa is considered more effective than Vaikri Japa.
Mansik Japa
When one chants mantra internally in mind without moving lips or tongue, it is called mansik japa. Mansik japa is considered the most powerful of all.
How to maintain your Mala?
People who do chanting for some specific purpose or Sankalpa should not wear their beads. Their beads should be placed in a Gomukhi or a mala bag. However, this rule doesn’t apply to the people who chant mantras for purely spiritual benefit. They can wear their beads either on their neck or hands. But general rules to maintain beads are:
- Beads should be kept in a clean place, preferably on your altar or in a mala bag.
- Only you should use your beads, do not let anyone touch or use your beads.
- Your beads should not be visible to others, especially the guru bead.
- Traditionally, people would remove their beads while defecating, sleeping or having intercourse.
- Keep your beads clean and well maintained. If the beads become chipped, cracked, or broken repair or replace the beads.
Rules for using beads for chanting mantra
It is crucial that some basic rules are followed while using beads for chanting mantras. Using beads properly make the whole practice more effective and efficient. Here are some simple steps to be followed while using beads for chanting mantra
- Sit in a separate meditation-room or any good and clean place, such as a temple, river-bank, under a banyan tree or a peepal tree or a silent room in your house etc. Face the East or the North direction while chanting.
- Traditionally mantra chanting is done seated on the floor in Padmasana or Siddhasana or Sukhasana. You can use mat, cushions or folded blankets under the sitting bones to keep the spine comfortable. It can also be done seated on a chair, keeping the spine straight. Keep your shoulders relaxed and the heart open and lifted.
- You can either keep your eyes open with a soft gaze or gently closed.
- Concentrate gently either on the Anahata-Chakra (lotus of the heart) or on the Ajna-Chakra (space between the two eyebrows). Ajna-Chakra is said to be the seat of the mind. It becomes easy to control mind by concentrating on Ajna-Chakra.
- The best time for chanting mantras is Brahma muhurta i.e, around 4 to 6 am and during the Sandhyas or the junctions of the day (morning, noon and evening). But one can chant whenever he has time, even before going to bed.
- Your breath should be slow, deep and relaxed.
- Hold your mala in your right hand resting on the middle finger, and use your thumb to “roll” the beads while counting mantras. With the help of thumb on each recitation lightly pull the bead towards you. Make sure that the index finger is extended away and not touching the beads. Once you reach the guru bead, flip the beads and start chanting all over again.
- If you are using wrist beads of 18 beads you will need to repeat 6 times to complete 108 mantras or 3 times to complete 54 mantras.
- Keep your mind focused on the mantra and on the feeling of the thumb touching the mala beads. If any thought pulls you away shift your focus back to the mantra and the beads. You can also synchronize your chanting with your breath, it will help to have better concentration and focus.
- Pronounce each letter of the Mantra correctly and clearly. Do not repeat it too fast or too slow. Increase the speed only when the mind wanders.
- Be in silence and avoid any kind of distractions, calls or engagements while doing Japa.
Benefits of using beads
Some of the major benefits of using beads for chanting mantras are:
- With the help of beads one can keep count of mantras. Without beads it becomes difficult for the mind to do dual tasks such as chanting and counting together. Keeping track is easy with beads.
- Beads help us maintain awareness. Our mind is generally a monkey mind, which gets carried away easily. But with beads maintaining conscious state is easy, the moment we reach guru bead our mind comes towards the mala.
- Regular practice of mantra chanting force the thought-current of the mind to move towards the God. The ultimate purpose of mantra chanting is to attain eternal bliss. The power of the Mantra or Mantra-sakti strengthen the Sadhana-Sakti of the Sadhaka.
- Prolonged and regular practice of chanting mantra for some months or years channelize one’s mind and the brain, and makes positive impressions in our subconscious mind.
- Chanting mantra regularly metamorphose the nature of the mind and fills it with Sattva. It changes one’s mental substance from passion to purity, from Rajas to Sattva. It calms the mind and strengthens it simultaneously.
- Chanting mantra allows one to eliminate all kinds of evil thoughts and inclinations. Constant chanting impels determination and austerity in the practitioner, thereby leading to God-realization or Ishta-Darshana (Vision of the Deity).
- Repetition or thinking of Lord’s name transforms the mental substance Chitta, surpass the vicious old Samskaras (impressions) in the mind, modify the Asuric or devilish nature and brings the devotee face to face with God.
- Chanting cleanses all the impurities of mind and body and accelerates our spiritual progress.
- It is recommended to practice chanting at least once a day. Doing it for at least 10 minutes will help you have the most benefits.
Thank you for explanations. Help a lot! Namaste!