Yoga Poses for Sexual Health for Men
Yoga, an ancient practice that has become increasingly popular world-wide. Besides providing numerous benefits at physical, mental, and emotional level, yoga also helps to improve sexual health of men. Sex is one of the most important parts of a person’s life. However, sexual dysfunction prevents you and your partner from getting sexual satisfaction. Sexual dysfunction is a common health problem that affects men of all ages, but is more common with increasing age. Yoga for sexual health for men can significantly help men suffering from sexual dysfunction or other sexual issues.

Research shows that the men who took up yoga for sexual health for men could tackle problems related to sexual dysfunction, like erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorders, and inhibited sexual desire. Here in this post, we are sharing 10 poses of yoga for sexual health for men. Practice these yoga poses on a regular basis for maximum benefits.
Bitilasana – Marjariasana or The Cat-Cow Pose
Yoga for sexual health for men sequence starts with the cat cow pose. This is an excellent pose for massaging the spine and back muscles, and stimulating the flow of energy and circulation.

Get on all your fours, place your wrists under shoulders, and your knees under the hips. Balance your weight between all fours. Now inhale, scoop your back, and lift your head and chest up. Hold for at least 3 seconds. While exhaling, round your back as you tuck your chin to your chest, pull your naval towards your spine and arch it towards the ceiling, and look down. Hold this position for 3 seconds. Practice this pose for 5 to 10 times, in a slow, controlled way, coordinating each movement with the breath to reap the maximum benefits.
Bhujangasana or The Cobra Pose
Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose, is one of the main backward bending asanas used in yoga. It is an easy and very effective yoga pose. Bhujangasana helps to balance and heal the Sex Chakra.

Lie down on your belly with your chin touching the ground. Now, place your hands close to the shoulders with palms touching the ground. Keep your legs straight. Press your palms firmly against the floor. As you inhale, lift up your trunk, using your palms as support. Keep your gaze towards the ceiling and let your hips be steady. Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds and then exhale and release the pose.
Naukasana or The Boat Pose
Navasana or Naukasana provides you with core strengthening and toning benefits. This pose is an excellent yogasana for improving sexual health in men.

Lie on your back on the mat. Now, relax your shoulder and rest your arms on either side of your body. Bend your knees, feet resting on the mat. Inhale and lift the feet from the mat. As you exhale, straighten your leg and engage your core. Keep your arms straight. Take a deep inhalation and lift the torso and head from the mat, allowing your body to come into a V. Relax your head, neck, and shoulders. Hold the posture for seven deep breaths. Exhale and release the feet down. Recline on your back and relax.
Kandharasana or The Shoulder Pose
Kandharasana or the Shoulder Pose is one of the effective backward-bend exercises, and is highly recommended for men suffering from sexual dysfunction.

Lie down on your back. Bend your knees with your feet touching the ground. Now, slowly hold your ankles with your arms. While you inhale, raise your hip upwards and arch your back upwards. Hold the pose for 10 to 20 seconds. Exhale and release the pose.
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend or Intense Dorsal Stretch
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend is apparently a simple asana, which covers the complete body system. Besides being particularly useful for diabetes and high blood pressure, it also helps in male sexual dysfunction.

Sit erect, with your legs stretched out in front. Flex your toes towards you. While inhaling, raise your arms over your head and stretch. While exhaling bend forward. With your stretched arms hold your toes. While chin touching the legs. Hold the pose for 10 to 20 seconds, then inhale and release the pose.
Halasana or The Plough Pose
Halasana or the Plough Pose is an excellent pose of yoga for sexual health of men. It improves the health of the abdominal organs, especially the kidneys, pancreas and intestines. Besides, it also increases the circulation in the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands.

Lie down on your back. Relax fully and breathe normally. Keep your legs together and the hands should be kept close to the body. Hold your breath and slowly raise your legs to vertical position. Make sure you do not use the arms to lift the legs. Move your legs further back as much as possible. At this stage you can use your hands to support your lower back and to further push the waist and trunk, until the legs touch the floor. You can move your legs as far from the head as possible. At this stage you will achieve a chin lock. Hold the pose for 10 to 20 seconds, then exhale and release the pose.
Setu Bandhasana or The Bridge Pose
Setu Bandhasana or The Bridge Pose is one of the most versatile backbend poses. It is an excellent yoga pose for sexual health for men.

Lie on your back with your feet placed flat on the floor, at a comfortable distance away from the hips. Now, place your arms next to the ribcage with your palms pointing to the ceiling. Breathe in slowly, on an inhalation, press the back of your shoulders and your feet against the floor and lift your hips up. Press your inner feet down actively, while keeping the knees from spreading out wide, by engaging the inner thighs. Lengthen your tailbone, let your shoulder blade touch the floor and keep your neck neutral. If you want you can clasp your hands behind your back. Hold the pose for 10 to 20 breaths, then release.
Shalabhasana or The Locust Pose
Shalabhasana or the Locust Pose is considered one of the best yoga poses for strengthening the back muscles. It helps relieve lower back pain and strengthens the back, torso, arms, and legs.

Lie on your stomach with the chin stretched and touching the ground. Keep your arms next to your torso. Slowly bring your hands under your legs for support. Take a deep breath and lift your right leg upwards, without bending your knees. Be in this position from a few seconds to half a minute. Exhale, and slowly release the position and bring down the right leg back to the original position. Rest for a few seconds. Keep breathing normally and deeply. Now, try the position with your left leg lifted above the ground. You can try this pose quite a few times.
Utkatasana or The Chair Pose
Utkatasana or the Chair Pose is an excellent yoga pose that aims at increasing strength, balance and stability. It is also known as the awkward pose or the standing squat pose. Utkatasana strengthens the hips and lower back muscles.

Stand erect with both the feet spaced apart. Take your hands forwards with your palms facing downwards, till it is horizontal to the floor. Bend your knees until your thighs make a 45 degrees angle with the lower legs. Now, raise both your hands up and bring them alongside your ears. Keep your gaze slightly raised. Stay in the chair pose as long as you are comfortable. Breathe normally in the pose and relax your mind. For maximum benefits try to increase the duration of the final pose with practice. To release the pose, come back to the standing position bringing your hands back to the sides.
Savasana or The Corpse Pose
Yoga to remove tiredness should be concluded with Savasana. Savasana is the best asana to calm your mind, release any kind of stress in the body and sink in all the asanas at a deeper level.

Lie down on your back with your legs spread apart. Now, place your arms beside your body facing upwards. Take deep breaths. Stay in the pose for at least 2 minutes and then release the pose.
Benefits of Yoga for Sexual Health for Men:
Here are the benefits of this yoga sequence:
- It helps to develop sexual potency and improves sexual drive in males.
- Helps to raise the vibration of sexual energy.
- Can cure sexual dysfunction and other sexual phobias.
- It increases the overall level of energy and vitality in males.
- Substantially improves lower body strength and flexibility.
- It tones the torso, pelvic region, groin area, legs and buttocks.
- Lastly, the sequence awakens, heals and balances the Sex Chakra.
Hari Om,
Thank you for this documents.
Arun Kumar.R